Saturday, July 08, 2017

A few of my favorite things

July 8, 2017 -- What I like about walking in the early morning in our neighborhood in Paris:

The cool air

The relative quiet

The “green men” cleaning the sidewalk and gutters, sweeping away trash with their brooms, the swish-swish sound of their brooms

The babbling-brook sound of the water that the “green men” have diverted into the gutters

The sight and sound of little tables and chairs being set up in front of the brasseries

The shop windows displaying colorful clothing, all on sale at this time of year

The disciplined joggers and young runners on the Champ de Mars

The old man out walking with two poles, for balance, on the Champ de Mars

Noticing more that more fences and barriers have been removed from the Champ

The Eiffel Tower, crisp against a backdrop of blue, blue sky

Deliveries being made to the underground tunnel in the Champ de Mars; these are food and drink destined for consumption in the Eiffel Tower’s restaurants

Seeing a dog, so proud of retrieving the stick thrown by his master in the Champ de Mars

The occasional fuzzy, pink-blooming mimosa trees on the Champ

The plethora of bright blooming flowers in well-tended beds

A homeless person sleeping peacefully, with lots of colorful pillows and blankets, on a bench in the fenced-off playground in the Champ, with a mother and child nearby, not the least bit concerned

The signs announcing that 38 gardeners take care of the Champ every day

The newsstands newly opened, freshly stocked with the new day’s publications, post cards, and tourist guides

Hungry people grouped around the bakery entrance, waiting for it to open at 7AM

Saying “bonjour, Monsieur” to the beggar I recognize from years of walking along the rue du Commerce

Me, photographing an art gallery window
Hearing him say “bonjour, Madame” back to me

Giving coins to Monsieur when he’s seated on a stoop near the bakery entrance

The young woman behind the counter recognizing me at the bakery

Feeling the warmth emanating from the freshly baked baguettes that I’m taking back to feed brunch to the family

Smelling those freshly baked baguettes

At home, seeing two baguettes consumed in no time at all

Thinking about doing the same thing tomorrow morning

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